Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Environmental Road

by Antonio C. Antonio
July 20, 2014

A friend called today to ask if I have finally abandoned my environmental advocacy and segued to socio-political ones.  Perhaps he noticed that my posts and blogs lately have veered away from the usual.  Well… I informed him that the present-day political issues are just too hard to resist and I felt compelled to also throw in my little thoughts.  I also assured him that I have not abandoned my environmental advocacy although it’s healthy to come up with socio-political and human interest topics once in a while..

An advocacy, for all intent and purpose, is also a political process which aims to influence public policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic and social systems and institutions.  Advocacies may include individual or group undertakings aimed at engaging individual or collective action on a particular concern or issue. And, as a matter of approach, my little contribution to public discourse on environmental matters is simply providing perspectives that would generate thoughts from anyone who reads and internalizes the things I write about.  After all, the environment is such a broad concept that should include most everything that influences human life such as economics, business, natural resources management, etc.

On the other hand, environmentalism includes a broad spectrum of concerns like philosophy, ideology and social movements particularly on concerns for environmental protection and improvement of the health of Mother Earth… not to mention other sciences that are intertwined with ecology.  Environmentalism, as a concept, also incorporates all biotic and abiotic elements that exist on our planet.  With this, it is easy to visualize how huge and diverse are the conceivable topics one could write about with regards to the environment and environmentalism.  But in spite of this, environmentalism largely remains unpopular and not as “in” as political blockbusters.  This is perhaps the challenge that environmental advocacies have to contend with.

Whatever popular conditions may prevail, I am absolutely committed to my environmental advocacy.  What sustains environmental bloggers (like me) in this rather lonely and not-too-popular undertaking are the comments (affirmative or negative) and “likes” from other concerned people.  So long as there is one living soul who responds to my blogs and posted articles, I will always travel the environmental road.

Just my little thoughts…

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