Wednesday, January 27, 2016


By Anton Antonio
January 28, 2016

“I have often been asked this question:  “If you were to recommend just one initiative or solution to the different environmental problems, what will it be?”  After a three-year academic study in environmental science, I’ve come to realize that environmental problems are so diverse and multifarious that conceptualizing a single cure-all solution will practically be like formulating a single pill (a “wonder drug”) that could cure all conceivable medical problems of man.  It’s a tough call but there should be one.  I would always answer, often automatically, “reforestation”.” (Antonio, 2016)  My reason for choosing reforestation is without basis.  Please read the following researched material on biosequestration which only trees and plants can perform…

“Biosequestration is the capture and storage of the atmospheric greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by biological processes.  This may ne by increased photosynthesis (through practices such as reforestation / preventing deforestation and genetic engineering); by enhanced soil carbon trapping in agriculture; or by the use of algae biosequestration to absorb the carbon dioxide emissions from coal, petroleum (oil) or natural gas-fired electricity generation.  Biosequestration as a natural process has occurred in the past, and was responsible for the formation of the extensive coal and oil deposits which are now being burned.  It is a key policy concept in the climate change mitigation debate.  It does not generally refer to the sequestering of carbon dioxide in oceans or rock formation, depleted oil or gas reservoir, deep saline aquifers, or deep coal seams or through the use of industrial chemical carbon dioxide scrubbing.  After water vapour (concentration of which humans have limited capacity to influence) carbon dioxide is the most abundant and stable greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.  Methane rapidly reacts to form water vapour and carbon dioxide.  Atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased from about 280 ppm in 1750 to 383 ppm in 2007 and is increasing at an average rate of 2 ppm per year.  The world’s oceans have previously played an important role in sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide through solubility and the action of phytoplankton.  This, and the likely adverse consequences for humans and the biosphere of associated global warming, increases the significance of investigating policy mechanisms for encouraging biosequestration.  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that the cutting down of forests is now contributing close to 20 percent of the overall greenhouse entering the atmosphere.  There are four primary ways in which reforestation and reducing deforestation can increase biosequestration.  FIRST, by increasing the volume of existing forest. SECOND, by increasing the carbon density of existing forest at a stand and landscape scale. THIRD, by expanding the use of forest products that will sustainably replace fossil-fuel emissions. FOURTH, by reducing carbon emissions that are caused from deforestation and degradation.  Land clearing reduction, the majority of the time, create biodiversity benefits in a vast expanse of land regions.  Concerns, however, arise when the density and area of vegetation increases the grazing pressure could also increase in other areas, causing land degradation.”  (Wikipedia)

Biosequestration is a unique process that captures and stores carbons.  “Unique” because the process goes beyond not only converting carbon dioxide into oxygen but permanently capturing carbon as well.  This is the most environmentally helpful function of biosequestration.

Thoughts to promote positive action…

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Wikipedia, (2016).  “Biosequestration”.  Retrieved on January 24, 2016 from

Antonio, A. C., (2016). “Reforestation”.  Retrieved on January 28, 2016 from

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