Sunday, April 12, 2015

Old Earth

by Anton Antonio
March 22, 2015

Have you ever wondered how old is the earth?  Compared to human life, the earth is definitely old and still getting older.  Scientists estimate the age of Mother Earth to be somewhere in the vicinity of three billion years.  Three billion years in existence is mind-boggling (meaning:  having a very powerful or overwhelming effect on the mind: amazingly or confusingly large, great, etc.) especially if we think of Mother Earth providing the same number of years she will continually be providing us a habitat… a home.  The life of Mother Earth, however, depends on the balance of nature.

Balance of Nature is a theory that proposes that ecological systems are usually in a state of homeostasis (meaning: the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements especially as maintained by physiological processes).  This simply means that a small change in some particular parameter will be corrected by some negative feedback that will bring the parameter back to its original point of balance with the rest of the system.  “It may apply where populations depend on each other, for example in predator/prey systems, or relationships between herbivores and their food source.  It is also sometimes applied to the relationship between the Earth’s ecosystem, the composition of the atmosphere, and the world’s weather.  The Gaia Hypothesis is a balance of nature-based theory that suggests that the Earth and its ecology may act as co-ordinated systems in order to maintain the balance of nature.  The theory that nature is permanently in balance has been largely discredited, as it has been found that chaotic changes in population levels are common, but nevertheless the idea continues to be popular.  During the latter half of the 20th Century the theory was superseded by catastrophe theory and chaos theory.” (Wikipedia)

Old Mother Earth, as we may now call her, will only grow older and survive another three billion years of existence if man is able to strike an environmental equilibrium… a balance of nature.  This will increase the chances of survival of a place we call home… a place we now consider old earth.

Just my little thoughts…

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