Monday, August 4, 2014

Posting Trash

by Antonio C. Antonio
August 4, 2014

I am appalled by the tasteless posting of this photo/video link which has gone viral on social media.  It is a photo of a gymnast who unfortunately had a wardrobe malfunction thereby exposing her most private part.  I am an educated man but I can’t seem to fathom the propriety of posting something like this on social media… on Facebook.  Call me a dinosaur if you must but I will still declare, in the strongest possible terms, that I abhor and condemn this mindless, reckless and blatant disregard for the feelings of other people.

The lady in the photo should have put so much time and effort in polishing her gymnastics craft to ably represent her country in competition.  It is not right and patently unfair to disrespect her for simply wanting to bring honor to her country.  Her misfortune is not something for mainstream media or social media to feast on and crow about.  For crying out loud!... she could be you, your daughter, your sister, your relative or your friend!  There has to be some degree of “ethics” --- the basic concepts and fundamental principles of decent human conduct and behavior --- in conducting ourselves in public fora.

This could also be the handiwork of computer “techies” who retouched the photo to show a wardrobe malfunction.  But why should we fall into their sinister design by re-posting it.  We must be a little more circumspect and intelligent than this.

We all talk about conscientiousness on social media.  We express our utter dislike for trash as we profess love for Mother Earth.  But you and I know that posting or re-posting something like this is nothing short of posting trash.

Just my little angry thoughts…

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